Full, partial cancellation of MEMU trains between Tirupati- Katpadi announced; check details here
Train No. 07659 Tirupati Katpadi MEMU leaving Tirupati at 06.50 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September is fully cancelled.

CHENNAI: Southern Railway has announced the full and partial cancellation of MEMU trains between Tirupati- Katpadi due to traffic block/power block for facilitating engineering works.
Train No. 07659 Tirupati Katpadi MEMU leaving Tirupati at 06.50 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September is fully cancelled.
Train No. 07582 Katpadi Tirupati MEMU leaving Katpadi at 21.15hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September is fully cancelled
Train No. 06417 Katpadi Jolarpettai MEMU leaving Katpadi at 09.30 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September is fully cancelled
Train No. 06418 Jolarpettai Katpadi MEMU leaving Jolarpettai at 12.45 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September is fully cancelled
Train No. 16853 Tirupati - Villupuram Express leaving Tirupati at 13.40 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September will be partially cancelled between Tirupati and Katpadi.
The train will commence service from Katpadi at 16.40 hrs
Train No. 16854 Villupuram - Tirupati Express leaving Villupuram at 05.35 hrs on 13th, 20th, 25th August, 01st, 08th, 16th September will be partially cancelled between Katpadi and Tirupati.
The train will be short terminated at Katpadi, added the statement.