Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
This week, you are given some useful codes for money and protecting yourself from negative energies. They are easy to do and, if done with faith, can bring the results you seek.

Working hard and earning well is your thing right now as all your efforts will also be rewarded with financial compensation. The Eight of Pentacles shows that there is good money flow, making things secure and steady. The Chariot shows that most things you do are on the right track and there is a certain justice in everything you undertake and ensure. This makes your world complete in many ways. And if things were on the low side, they are on the upswing.
Travel, work, and collaborations are on the anvil as far as Taureans are concerned. It could also be for those closely associated with you and you are also involved in the activities of such people. The Knight of Cups shows these aspects and the travel will be like an explorative journey regarding work and good collaborations. The Two of Cups shows harmony and companionship between couples that you are closely associated with. Be conservative while spending money even if there is plenty.
The Ace of Swords shows great clarity and direction when it comes to achieving goals and targets. You will be clear about what you want to do. The Ten of Pentacles indicates great abundance and inflow of money from family sources. And this will also be a time when you will feel inclined to share the goodness you receive in plenty. This increases the sense of security and happiness. There is overseas travel related to work.
Big changes are around the corner as the Death card indicates. Off with the old and bring in the new and realise why these changes are imperative. The Eight of Wands shows talent and skill in many areas and you are capable of multitasking. But somehow it won’t work that way because you can’t handle all of it without either help or delegation. But keep the drive and passion going. Avoid listening to the various things that go on in your mind.
The Page of Wands shows the directions being taken by the younger lot in your life and environment. You are invested in their success. And you give all the support needed for the progress and going ahead in projects. The Nine of Pentacles indicates you are in a good place financially. You are also keen to be the nurturer and the one who keeps things together, especially family bonding and interests. You work very hard to achieve the desired results.
You might feel stuck, frustrated and not knowing what to do with certain situations right now. The Ten of Swords shows this and that you are feeling pinned down and not knowing how or where to get rid of this situation. Yet the Queen of Pentacles indicates you to be in a good position financially, even if your work does not yield the kind of money you expect. All the youngsters in your life seem to take life as a battle.
There is limited money and you do have to spend wisely and judiciously. That is what the Four of Pentacles shows, and it also indicates that you would not like others to know how much you have and how you spend the resources. The Six of Swords indicates that you could have a million creative ideas. But, it is better not to rock the boat. You and your partner are involved in this and are waiting for an appropriate time to set things in motion.
You could be at odds with others, over work situations and ideas that you generate. You don’t like differences of opinion and you tend to aggressively put your views across. The Seven of Wands shows plenty of good ideas, but you are finding it difficult to do things as you please and induce others to agree with what you say. What is needed right now is Strength to be able to keep your emotions and feelings under control for better productivity. Good work is coming your way.
The tendency is to escape from unfavourable situations. You would rather go away on some other work. But the bottom line is that you are hiding from people and situations many times. That is what the Eight of Cups is indicating. The Knight of Pentacles shows that a lot of your work and financial dealing are with young people and you seem to prefer that to those of your age group. You are fully backed by a strong woman who holds things together.
You might feel angry and frustrated with plenty of things around you. The Nine of Swords shows a mental state where you feel people don’t listen to you. Your ideas and opinions are good but the opposition drains you and causes sleepless nights. Go with the flow. The Emperor, on the other hand, is someone strong who will help you through this time. Take the inputs and work along with them. Don’t allow yourself to be swallowed by your thoughts that make you weak.
Some pinpricks will not allow you to remain in peace. The Queen of Cups shows you to be in an emotionally charged state, and that is not something you like. You have to keep them under control. The Four of Wands indicates a good home that you have built. Don’t allow your thoughts and emotions to spoil the peace and contentment in your heart. It is also a good thing that the relationship between you and the significant other is good.
Using your finances and resources wisely would be a good thing at a time like this. The Two of Pentacles is indicative of that. You will be careful with spending more on essentials than desires. The King of Wands shows that you are appreciative and attentive to a strong male who guides and gives inputs when needed, especially when it comes to work situations. You are invested with a youngster in work explorations and directions. Most things seem to be in order.