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Aus state makes masks mandatory on public transport

Masks became mandatory on public transport in the Australian state of Victoria on Monday after authorities found two "likely positive cases" of Covid-19 in Melbourne city's northern suburbs.

Aus state makes masks mandatory on public transport
Representative image


From Monday, Melbourne commuters who refuse to wear masks on public transport will be find A$200 ($154), in a new police crackdown targeting people disobeying coronavirus restrictions, Xinhua news agency quoted 9News as saying in a report.

The two cases, who were understood to be connected, sparked fears the virus might have spread following an outbreak scare two weeks ago.

The state's Department of Health said that a full investigation was underway into these results, and initial public health actions were being put in place while both individual isolate and were urgently re-tested.

"We will communicate any specific public health actions the community needs to undertake as soon as possible when investigations and cases interviews are complete," the Department said.

These two cases may also end the 86-day period of no new locally acquired cases Victoria recorded last Sunday.

As for returned travellers, two new positive cases were recorded.

The Department of Health reminded residents in the state to observe key Covid safe behaviours, get tested if having any symptoms, check in at venues and always wear masks on public transport including rideshare vehicles.

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