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Burevi: Over 1.5 lakh hectares submerged, 2K homes inundated

State Agriculture Secretary Gagandeep Singh Bedi, on Sunday, said that more than 1.5 lakh hectares of crops across the State had submerged in floods caused by Cyclone Burevi.

Burevi: Over 1.5 lakh hectares submerged, 2K homes inundated


“Preliminary inspections have revealed that 1.5 lakh hectares of farm lands were inundated and we expect around 10,000 to 20,000 hectares more. The main challenge in front of the government is to drain out the stagnant water,” said Bedi, while addressing the media in Cuddalore.

While Nivar did not cause much damage to Cuddalore and other delta districts, Burevi has caused extensive damage to crops. Industries Minister MC Sampath, along with officials from various departments, have been entrusted with coordinating the relief works in Cuddalore district, which has once again witnessed the wrath of a cyclone. While addressing the media, the Minister said that more than one lakh people were provided food in the relief camps. “Water entered more than 2,000 houses, 210 cattle and 20,000 chickens have died. “Cuddalore district administration is actively working towards rehabilitation post cyclone,” the Minister said. Bedi, the nodal officer for Cuddalore district, inspected the submerged paddy crops and said that the State government has been promoting water submerge-resistant paddy varieties such as CR-1009 sub-1, which is the major paddy crop during the samba season and can withstand water submergence for three days,” he said, adding, based on stages of crops, intervention was required.

Speaking about the crop insurance, more than 23 lakh hectares have been insured so far, and in delta districts, more than 90 per cent of the crops were insured while in Cuddalore district, more than 96 per cent of the crops were insured.

“Insurance companies will inspect the harvest and the quantum of loss will be compensated. For farmers who have not insured their crops, Revenue Department officials will inspect the affected crops and farmers who have damages more than 33 percent will get compensation,” said Bedi.

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