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DGP order on separate investigative wing remains only on paper
It has been a month since the state DGP announced the creation of a separate wing for all police stations across the state which would look into only investigation into crimes, leaving only bandobast and other duties to the law and order wing. The announcement, however, is yet to be implemented.

Police personnel continue with existing practice wherein law and order wing look into criminal and other cases, while the crime wing deals only with thefts and burglary cases.
The state DGP’s order in the last week of March stated that in all police station, officers in the investigation wing will be responsible for probe into all cases including law and order ones.
The order not only indicated restructuring the job profile of police personnel at the station level, but it also hinted at balancing the powers between the law and order wing and the investigation wing. The announcement was based on a Supreme Court order in 2006 and a state government order issued in 2011.
The DGP had asked all the commissioners and district superintendents of police to issue suitable instruction to station heads regarding the order.
“We are aware of the order. But, we have not received any order from superiors on how to go about it,” an assistant commissioner of police said when DT Next contacted the officer.
A law and order inspector, who had previously headed a crime wing said that although the DGP’s order is welcome especially when personnel belonging on the crime wing are being used for bandobast. He, however, added that handing over investigation of all cases would add a lot of pressure on the wing.
“In most robbery cases, both the victims and suspects would be away from the scene of the crime, in different station limits. So, it is already difficult for the police to coordinate with victims to trace the suspects. On top of that, making them handle minor disputes as well as murders is not fair,” said the inspector. He added that the city police has done away with a better system where the crime wing had separate Assistant
Commissioners and a Deputy Commissioner. “So, the higher officials used to follow the cases regularly. Maybe, bringing it back will be a better idea,” the inspector said.
Another crime inspector, who had just completed his night bundobust duty on Thursday, said that such orders are easier said than implemented. “I’m not complaining, but there are a lot of practical difficulties. The crucial part is lack of strength.The higher officials claim that most
of the stations have full strength, but what they don’t say is that the strength was fixed years ago based on the population and vehicle density during that time. But households have grown manifold and profiles of criminals keep changing. So, the strength should be fixed first, before carrying out further reforms. At least, in cities, there are different wings, but in districts, even traffic offences are attended by the same police,” he said.
Speaking to this newspaper, a senior official at the police headquarters, however, noted that they it is too early to expect to the department implement it immediately. “It will be streamlined after May 23, once the election code of conduct is lifted,” theofficial said.
Metro duty
As per the new structure, aMetro – I stationwill have a total strength of 120 in which 90would go to L &Owhile the rest 30 willbe part of investigation wing. Metro I will have one inspector for each wing
Metro II will have sanctioned strength of 100, of which 76 will go to L&O
Apart from Metro I and II, police stations are further classified as heavy, medium and light. Heavy stations will have a strength of 80, while medium and light will have a strength of 60 and 30 respectively
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