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Ban on FMSCI Prez Prithiviraj overturned

The Indian Motor Sport Appellate Committee (IMSAC) on Monday overturned a ban imposed on FMSCI president J Prithiviraj from officiating in national championships, which was done following the death of three trespassing motorists during the Rally of Jodhpur last year.

Ban on FMSCI Prez Prithiviraj overturned
J Prithiviraj


According to a press release issued by the Coimbatore Auto Sports Club, IMSAC has upheld his appeal, declaring the ban imposed on Prithiviraj was violative of all principles of natural justice. “He was not put on sufficient notice before imposing [such a] major punishment,” the release, quoting the order, stated, absolving him of any lapses while organising the rally.

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