Tamil Nadu eases tie-up of paramedical institutes with govt hospitals
The government has decided to decentralise the grant of permission for clinical training and field practice tie-ups.

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CHENNAI: The State health department on Wednesday issued guidelines to decentralise approvals for tie-ups in clinical training and field practice for private paramedical institutions, partnering with government medical colleges, headquarter hospitals and PHCs for nursing and pharmacy programmes.
At present, proposals for tie-ups for clinical training and field practices with government medical hospitals and PHCs in nursing and pharmacy programmes at private paramedical institutions are received from the respective heads of department and then orders issued at government level. However, during the review, it was found that this multi-layered process is causing delays due to extensive paperwork.
To enhance efficiency and transparency and to
expedite the process, the government has decided to decentralise the grant of permission for clinical training and field practice tie-ups.
They have issued an order saying permission for clinical training and field practice tie-ups in nursing and pharmacy programmes in private paramedical institutions with Government Medical College Hospitals be vested in the Deans of the respective medical colleges, stated Supriya Sahu, health secretary.
The government further directed the HODs to implement an online application system for clinical tie-up approvals with Government Medical College Hospitals, Government Headquarters Hospitals, and Primary Health Centres, to enhance transparency and ensure timely issuance of orders. Based on that, the health secretary has instructed the DME, DMS and DPH to facilitate the implementation of these changes.