Tamil Nadu Coastal Security Group to provide free training for young fishermen
Officials said that the training sessions will be conducted at Cuddalore, Ramanathapuram, and Kanniyakumari and selected candidates from all coastal districts will be assigned to the nearest training centers.

CHENNAI: In an effort to improve the livelihood of the wards of TN fishermen and to prepare them for roles as seamen in the Indian Coast Guard and Indian Navy, a 90-day special training program is being conducted free of cost by the Tamil Nadu Coastal Security Group (CSG).
Application forms for the same can be obtained online for free and also from the respective coastal district fisheries offices, office of the coastal security group inspector, fishermen's village cooperative societies and fair price shops, according to a report from Daily Thanthi.
Officials said that the training sessions will be conducted at Cuddalore, Ramanathapuram, and Kanniyakumari and selected candidates from all coastal districts will be assigned to the nearest training centers.
Participants who are selected for the training will receive free lodging, meals, training materials and will be given a stipend during the training period.
The Additional Director of Police, Tamil Nadu Coastal Security Group urged the eligible wards of fishermen who have completed class 12 with a minimum of 50 percent aggregate and at least 50 percent in individual subjects like mathematics and physics, and who meet the physical fitness criteria to make use of this opportunity.
He further said that completed applications are to be submitted to the relevant fisheries department offices, the coast guard station, or the Coastal Security Group Inspector's office by the 15th of this month.