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Special trains between Madurai and Palani for Thaipoosam on February 11,12
Madurai junction-Palani unreserved special train (06722) will leave Madurai junction at 8.45 am, on February 11 (Tuesday) and February 12 (Wednesday) and reach Palani at 11.30 am on the same day.

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MADURAI: Special trains will be operated between Madurai junction and Palani in connection with Thaipoosam festival at Palani temple on February 11 and 12.
Madurai junction-Palani unreserved special train (06722) will leave Madurai junction at 8.45 am, on February 11 (Tuesday) and February 12 (Wednesday) and reach Palani at 11.30 am on the same day.
On return, Palani-Madurai junction special (06721) will leave Palani junction at 3 pm, on February 11 and 12 and reach Madurai junction. The train will stop at Sholavandan, Kodaikanal Road, Ambaturai, Dindigul and Oddanchatram. The train will have 16 second class coaches and two luggage cum brake van coaches.
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