Program on better utilisation of blue carbon floral resources held at Thoothukudi
Scientist-in-charge, CMFRI, L Loveson Edward said the objective of this training programme is to impart hands-on practical knowledge on the better utilisation of blue carbon floral resources such as seaweeds

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MADURAI: Hands-on training on ‘Wealth from underutilised blue carbon floral resources’ under the National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture-Scheduled Caste Subplan (NICRA-SCSP) scheme was organised at Tuticorin Regional Station of Central Marine Fisheries and Research Institute on Tuesday.
Scientist-in-charge, CMFRI, L Loveson Edward said the objective of this training programme is to impart hands-on practical knowledge on the better utilisation of blue carbon floral resources such as seaweeds, marine microalgae, mangroves, salt marshes and production of the value-added products.
Dean (in-charge) of Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi, N Neethiselvan, while addressing pointed out the available blue carbon resources in the Gulf of Mannar region, farming practices, its present state of utility and scope for its expansion for the better income generation to the underprivileged community.
The participants were sensitized on mass production of marine microalgae, seaweed culture, preparation of edible products like cookies, cakes, jelly and salads from seaweeds and microalgae, preparation of agar and alginate from seaweeds and preparation of medicated fish feed using seaweeds, salt marsh, mangrove leaves and algal meal. The training programme also covered preparation of bio-fertilizer from these underutilized blue carbon floral resources.