Extreme weather effect: 25 lives lost, 189 houses damaged, 1039 ha crop area ruined in Tamil Nadu this year
As per a report titled ‘Climate India 2024’, heavy rains and floods claimed as many as 13 lives, while storm and lightning claimed 12.

Of the 25 deaths in TN, 13 were lost to heavy rains, flooding
CHENNAI: On October 25, Madurai city received 4.5cm (45mm) of rainfall in just 15 minutes; two weeks later, the same city recorded 35.2 degrees Celsius temperature, which was 4.3 degrees above normal. The number of such extreme weather event days in Tamil Nadu has doubled in 2024, compared to 2023.
An analysis by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and Down To Earth, an environment magazine, has revealed that the state recorded 67 days of extreme weather events from January to September this year. During the same period the previous year, there were only 29 such days. In 2024, extreme weather events claimed 25 lives, destroyed 1,039 hectares of crop area, and damaged 189 houses in the state.
As per a report titled ‘Climate India 2024’, heavy rains and floods claimed as many as 13 lives, while storm and lightning claimed 12.
India Meteorological Department (IMD), in its annual ‘Statement of Climate of India’ reports, classifies lightning and thunderstorms, heavy to very heavy, and extremely heavy rainfall, landslides and floods, cold waves, heatwaves, cyclones, snowfall, dust and sandstorms, squalls, hailstorms and gales as extreme weather events.
“India experienced extreme weather events on 255 of the 274 days, or a little over 93 per cent of the days from January 1 to September 30. They claimed 3,238 lives, affected 3.2 million hectares (ha) of crop area, damaged 235,862 houses and killed over 9,457 animals,” the report said.
In 2023, of 273 days from January 1 to September 30, extreme weather events were recorded on 235 days. In 2024, of 274 days from January 1 to September 30, extreme weather events were recorded on 255 days. Moreover, 2024 registered 315 more deaths than last year, taking the total count to 3,238.