Elementary teachers directed to apply for mutual transfers by today
Hence, as part of it, the Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE) has currently ordered the teachers willing for mutual transfers to apply for the same.

Transfer counselling for teachers (file picture)
CHENNAI: For mutual transfers among school teachers, the directorate of elementary education has requested teachers to apply on the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) portal, before July 11. The education department has been conducting the general transfer consultation for the academic year 2024-25 for all types of teachers working in the primary education department and school education department. Hence, as part of it, the Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE) has currently ordered the teachers willing for mutual transfers to apply for the same. These applications must be verified and approved by the district education officer (primary education) within the unit and the education block, and by the two district education officers (elementary education). Also, teachers willing to apply for mutual transfers have been directed to upload his/her complete information along with the other teacher’s complete information EMIS portal.