DOTE in spot to announce dates for TNEA counselling; AICTE’s pending release of academic schedule said to have caused delay
A senior official from the DOTE, seeking anonymity, told DT Next that every year the TNEA notification, which would be usually released at the end of June, always carries counselling dates. "Last year also the announcement was delayed", he said.

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CHENNAI: The much-awaited counselling dates for Tamil Nadu engineering admissions could not be announced by the Higher Education Department here so far since All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is yet to announce the academic schedule.
With lots of enquiries having been received from the students with regard to the counselling dates, the officials here are at fix.
The Directorate of Technical Education (DOTE), a wing of the Higher Education Department, is conducting Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA-2024).
Accordingly, the student's enrollment has started from May 6 with so far more than 1.5 lakh applicants have completed all the registration formalities including uploading their certificates.
A senior official from the DOTE, seeking anonymity, told DT Next that every year the TNEA notification, which would be usually released at the end of June, always carries counselling dates. "Last year also the announcement was delayed", he said.
"However, even after one month since the registration started, till now the counselling dates could not be fixed since AICTE has not announced the academic schedule for 2024-2025", he added.
Stating that many students and parents have been calling the DOTE office to know about dates of engineering counselling, the official said that counselling is part of every important process in TNEA. "If the counselling dates were announced, it would be helpful for the students to allocate their time according to the schedule", he claimed.
Pointing out that in the DOTE TNEA notification the counselling column states that "counselling dates will be updated in accordance with AICTE's academic schedule", he urged the AICTE to release the academic notification as soon as possible.
"We hope that it (AICTE) should release the schedule before the announcement of student's merit list so that the TNEA admission process will be completed within the stipulated time and the colleges would be opened for first year in the first week of September", he said.
The DOTE official said that firstly, the counselling will be conducted for government school students, who come under 7.5% special reservation category and next it will be done for differently abled students, wards of ex-service men and candidates with sports quota.
"Finally, the counselling will be done for students coming under general category", he said adding there would be three-rounds of counselling for general category", he said.