Don't be fooled by brokers offering medical seats or health services, says Ma Su
Several instances of people claiming to get seats in medical colleges, job opportunities in the health department, and to help the patients with medical treatments have surfaced.

Health Minister Ma Subramanian
CHENNAI: Warning the public against the brokers and middlemen who assure to get medical seats or offer health insurance coverages in government medical college hospitals, health minister Ma Subramanian on Friday, said that there is a system in place for medical procedures and people should not be fooled by middlemen.
Several instances of people claiming to get seats in medical colleges, job opportunities in the health department, and to help the patients with medical treatments have surfaced. Talking about such cases, health minister said that the the government is working with full transparency and therefore, the public should be careful if any individual promises medical seats or treatment procedures such as organ transplantation.
"The Chief Minister's Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme offers coverage upto Rs 22 lakhs for organ transplantation. These treatments are automatically offered to those who are eligible. At least 200 people come directly to me every day for medical help and assistance is provided to the people if possible. The public should know that as a minister we will meet them directly of they have any concerns regarding any health services or treatment procedures. Therefore, don't be fooled by middlemen."