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Conduct local body recruitment through TNPSC, PMK urges

In a statement, the senior leader said that the state government has decided to fill 2,534 posts in the municipal administration department through direct recruitment.

Conduct local body recruitment through TNPSC, PMK urges

PMK founder S Ramadoss

CHENNAI: PMK founder S Ramadoss has warned the government that filling vacant posts in local bodies on direct recruitment method will pave the way for corruption and urged it to fill the posts through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC).

In a statement, the senior leader said that the state government has decided to fill 2,534 posts in the municipal administration department through direct recruitment. "The decision is against the intention of another decision that was taken to fill the posts through TNPSC. This will pave way for corruption, " he said.

He added that the department has decided to fill 2,534 posts by conducting a written exam and interview to be conducted by Anna University. A government order was issued on November 14.

"There was a practice to appoint employees directly by the local bodies and public sector undertakings. The government made an announcement to fill the posts only through TNPSC in December, 2021. There are several reasons to believe that corruption may occur while the department fills the posts through direct recruitment, " he opined.

As 2,534 posts are entry level posts, there would not be interviews if the recruitment is conducted by TNPSC. But a decision has been taken to conduct interviews. "The intention of the interviews is to provide higher marks to candidates who are close to the government. Even before the release of the government order, a committee was formed to decide on the syllabus for the written exam. What is the reason for the department to show such hastiness?" Ramadoss asked.

He opined that Anna University, which is an educational institution, has no experience or infrastructure in recruitment employees for government departments. "As the job opportunities in government departments, public sector undertakings and local bodies have reduced, recruitment should be conducted in a transparent manner. The government should conduct the recruitment only through the TNPSC, " he urged.

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