Lawfully yours: By Retired Justice K Chandru
The majority of the houses in the Chennai Metropolitan Area are occupied on a monthly rent or lease (one bulk amount) basis.

Justice K Chandru (Retd)
CHENNAI: Both tenant, house owner can approach rent control courts
The majority of the houses in the Chennai Metropolitan Area are occupied on a monthly rent or lease (one bulk amount) basis. What are the procedures to be followed under provisions of the law to avoid disputes between the house owner and the tenant?
— P Viswanathan, Chitlapakkam
As per the present law, the rental agreement has to be registered with the competent authority – Revenue Divisional Office (RDO) – after recording it on a stamp paper and paying stamp duty based on the annual rental value. However, most of the rental agreements are being executed as oral agreements based on mutual faith. If something goes wrong, there are rent control courts meant to equally protect the rights of the tenant as well as the house owner.
Proper legislation needed to legally control organ donations
With many dying in our country due to organ failure, thanks to a shortage of donors to meet the requirement, won’t legalising the sale of human organs be a viable option to alleviate the shortage? Also, the shortage of voluntary organ donations has resulted in an emerging black market for organ trade and transplant tourism. Can’t legalisation create a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties whereas current laws increase the scope for black marketing?
— Raveendran, Vyasarpadi
If there are no legislations regulating organ transplants in our country, then it will result in chaos and free trade in organising donations. Further, in such matters, there cannot be any private arrangements that may lead to poor people being deprived of an organ as it is being donated only for monetary gain. In the present system of regulatory law, there are no evil effects except paperwork getting unduly delayed. Hence, one should fight for an efficient disposal with a strong ethical foundation.