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DT Campus: SRM School students excel at World Robotics Olympiad

The winners were Jhanavarshan N (Grade 8) and Saransh Singhania R (Grade 9). They won the contest held recently in Noida.

DT Campus: SRM School students excel at World Robotics Olympiad

Junior national championship at the World Robotics Olympiad

CHENNAI: SRM Public School turned cynosure of all eyes as its students won a junior national championship at the World Robotics Olympiad.

The winners were Jhanavarshan N (Grade 8) and Saransh Singhania R (Grade 9). They won the contest held recently in Noida.

They emerged on top in the junior category competing along with 206 teams across diverse categories and registered their names in the All India Roll of Honour with the title “The Future Innovators.”

The award-winning project of the school students was about harnessing wind power and leveraging technology to create an automatic shipping guide, emphasising sustainability and efficiency.

The winning students will take part in the grand finale of orld Robotics Olympiad set to unfold in Panama City during November first week.

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