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Pegasus: Rahul trying to unite Oppn against govt

Amid the ongoing stalemate in Parliament, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has invited leaders of opposition parties to a breakfast meeting at the Constitution Club on Tuesday to chalk out a joint strategy on the Pegasus snooping issue.

Pegasus: Rahul trying to unite Oppn against govt
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi (File photo)

New Delhi

Amid the ongoing stalemate in Parliament, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has invited leaders of opposition parties to a breakfast meeting at the Constitution Club on Tuesday to chalk out a joint strategy on the Pegasus snooping issue. Sources said the meeting is being held to forge unity among the opposition ranks on the issue. All opposition MPs and floor leaders of various parties have been invited for the meeting.

The opposition has been demanding a discussion in Parliament on the Pegasus row and its leaders have been giving adjournment notices everyday. The government has been saying that the opposition is creating a “non-issue” and the IT minister has already given a reply in both Houses of Parliament.

The sources added that an invite has also been sent to Trinamool Congress.

‘Centre ceded thousands of km of Indian land to China’

Meanwhile, Rahul hit out at the Centre and alleged that government had ceded thousands of kilometres of India’s territory to China.

In a tweet, he wrote, “Mr Modi and his minions have ceded thousands of km of Indian land to China. When exactly are we getting it back?”

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