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PM Modi pays tributes to Rao

Paying rich tributes to former prime minister P V Narasimha Rao on his 100th birth anniversary, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that India remembers his extensive contributions to national development.

PM Modi pays tributes to Rao
Prime Minister Narendra Modi (File Photo)

New Delhi

Rao, a veteran Congress leader who served a full five year term after taking over as prime minister in 1991, is credited with liberalising the Indian economy, effecting transformational changes. Modi tweeted, ''Tributes to former PM Shri PV Narasimha Rao Ji on his 100th birth anniversary. India remembers his extensive contributions to national development. He was blessed with remarkable knowledge and intellect.'' The prime minister also shared a clip of his radio broadcast, Mann Ki Baat, of last year in which he had paid fond tributes to Rao.

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