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Hotel Taj in Rishikesh closed for 3 days after 76 people found COVID-19 positive there

The Tehri Garhwal administration has closed a five-star hotel for three days after 76 COVID-19 cases were reported from there.

Hotel Taj in Rishikesh closed for 3 days after 76 people found COVID-19 positive there
Representative Image (ANI)


"Hotel Taj in Rishikesh has been closed for three days by the district administration, after 76 people were found to be COVID-19 positive there. The hotel was sanitised and has been closed as a precautionary measure," Tehri Garhwal SSP, Tripti Bhatt told ANI.

As per data from the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, The active cases in Uttarakhand are 1660, the total cured, discharged and migrated are 96512. The death toll due to the infection is 1709.

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