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Death toll in Delhi violence climbs to 39

More than 200 people have been injured in the communal clashes that broke out on Monday. The areas affected include Jaffrabad, Maujpur, Chand Bagh, Khureji Khas and Bhajanpura.

Death toll in Delhi violence climbs to 39

New Delhi

The death toll in Delhi's communal violence climbed to 39 on Friday, a Delhi health department official said on Friday.

There were some areas of normalcy in the riot-hit localities of northeast Delhi with shops opening.

Nearly 7,000 paramilitary forces have been deployed in the affected areas of the northeast district since Monday. Hundreds of Delhi police personnel are on the ground to maintain peace.

More than 200 people have been injured in the communal clashes that broke out on Monday. The areas affected include Jaffrabad, Maujpur, Chand Bagh, Khureji Khas and Bhajanpura.

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