Tarot: On the cards
The set of numbers given this week is to protect ourselves from negative influences. They can be chanted digit by digit or written in blue on the left side of the body.

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CHENNAI: The set of numbers given this week is to protect ourselves from negative influences. They can be chanted digit by digit or written in blue on the left side of the body.
Safety numbers: 8888 // 213 // 741
71931 : Protection from danger and negativity.
1888948 : Turn a negative into positive.
1784121: Global salvation and harmonious development.
319481 919811: Influencing positive events and people.
519 448 9184 : Remove negativity.
There is some travel coming up for most of you in the week ahead- could be short distance. Plans to travel overseas are likely to happen. The Three of Wands also suggests that it could be connected with projects and collaborations with those in other countries. The Knight of Pentacles indicates success in the field you are involved in. Meanwhile, you are helped by a strong female energy, who is also adept at giving good inputs on finance.
The Ace of Wands shows success and progress in your chosen field of expertise. It also shows the support you receive from those around you and the universe when it comes to ambitions and the passion to do good work. The Ace of Cups indicates you to be emotionally on a good wicket as whatever you do is finding alignment with your inner desires and plans. You are also supported by a strong male energy with great clarity.
When it comes to money matters, you are being careful and thinking twice before you spend on things you normally would not have hesitated. The Two of Pentacles shows that you are being cautious about spending habits. The Death card comes to bring great changes in your life and it is a transformative time. And this involves smart youngsters, who will carry and honour your word and be inspired by all that you say and do.
Strong male energies are prevalent in your life right now- they could be mentors, supporters or people you look for help in financial matters. The Emperor is the card that tells you all this and you can lean on this for support and courage. The Ten of Pentacles indicates a good flow of money. Financially, the days ahead are good, and you will find it coming quite copiously from different sources. However, ensure all your decisions from the head and not the heart.
You could be in two minds about most things. You are indeed lucky to have options to choose from. Know with certainty that whatever you choose to do is what is part of the grand plan. So, do things boldly and with certainty. And that is the Two of Swords showing all these in your mind. The Page of Pentacles indicates your preoccupation with a particular youngster and their progress in life. An important relationship sometimes makes you feel claustrophobic.
Right now, you are having a good time with family and friends. It is a break from the routine and you are doing what you want. The Three of Cups also suggests that you are emotionally in a happy space. However, the Seven of Wands indicates that there are differences of opinions often and not everything you say and do had support from those around you. It also could be related to the way creativity is being expressed.
Many things are coming your way- opportunities, help and good will. You don’t take them seriously and could perhaps overlook them. Suggestion is that you examine everything before you take it or leave it. The Four of Cups shows that sometimes you do not look beyond your nose. Be flexible. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that you are in a good place financially. You are involved with a supportive person whose work and progress you are concerned with.
The Six of Wands shows you are in line with what is best for you right now. Whether it is a relationship, a marriage or family circumstance, you are taking the path of least resistance. It helps though to be in this state. The King of Cups shows the dominance of strong males in your life, or you are that where their will prevail over yours. You have decided to go with the flow. So you are making your peace with the circumstance.
Work, work and more work are the dominant theme for many of those born under this sign. The Nine of Wands shows that you are very preoccupied with your career, goals and projections for the future. However, ensure you do not burn out in the quest for fulfilling every goal all together. The Page of Wands is also indicative of the work scenario and this will apply more to those in the younger age group. However there is nothing to worry about financially.
The Ten of Cups shows togetherness and family bonding, especially if there are children and elders. There could be small gatherings, celebratory events and all things that bring people together. The Knight of Cups shows journeys and new areas of explorations that bring new thoughts. It also shows that these journeys are not likely to be anything like the ones you may have undertaken till now. If there are significant relationships be assured that they will be fine and harmonious.
This is a time when you have to make hard decisions – with your mind and not heart. Which means not getting emotional about things as you take action on many things. The Three of Swords also shows that right now you are emotionally involved with most things and you prefer it this way. The Seven of Cups however tells you not to have unrealistic expectations of people or situations. If you do, you are the one going to get disappointed.
You are either going to travel to distant places, or you are going to have visitors who come from different parts of the world. The Two of Wands is indicative of journeys and interacting with those you may not have seen in a while. The King of Pentacles shows that there is someone who holds the strings, and you have to go through this person for big finances gain. There could be times when you want to leave everything and retire.