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    Tarot: On the cards

    This week use the following switch words for good health.

    Tarot: On the cards

    ARIES (20 MARCH – 20 APRIL)

    If you have a case that remains unsolved, now is the time it will come true. The right things will happen, which the Justice card indicates.The Hierophant shows that this trend is almost a surety because you are blessed by the higher powers and if there is a guide in your life, then this will take you further. However, you will find it difficult to decide on what to spend your money on.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL – 21 MAY)

    The Page of Wands shows the preoccupation with the youngsters in your life who will be very involved with work and ambitions. This shows determination to do well and get things done for that. The King of Pentacles shows the profusion of money, which can come through family resources and investments made earlier. The younger ones will do well especially when it comes to money and new projects.

    GEMINI (21 MAY – 21 JUNE)

    Success and a feeling of having done well are all likely to be the monitors. The Ace of Pentacles shows great success with money- long pending payments will get done and anything to do with money flow will be activated now. The Queen of Cups however shows the emotional roller coaster you are likely to face. In about three to four months, any plan you have will show results and be the way you want.

    CANCER (21 JUNE – 23 JULY)

    The Four of Cups indicates a lack of awareness about things life is offering.You could be concentrating on only one aspect that could cloud your vision about all other things. The Three of Wands suggests a lot of international connections. There could be some travel regarding work which should yield good results. Do find time to see where you are going in life. Some introspection will help.

    LEO (23 JULY – 23 AUGUST)

    Any plans to look at new projects ,then this is the time.The Page of Cups shows new things, in terms of work and things you want to do for yourself. Six of Swords shows a certain comfort in the tried and tested. You may not like a whole bunch of things, but you will rather wait and see how things pan out. This could however make you feel frustrated.


    Most things are in place.It is in your interest to be in a happy and abundant state of mind regardless of how you view your reality.Sometimes it is good to suspend your mind and go for an imaginative spree where everything looks and feels perfect. It is also in your interest to not have unrealistic expectations of people and situations as the Seven of Cups suggest. Also prepare yourself for a big change ahead.


    23 OCTOBER Work, ideas and all things to do with your mind are going well. The Page of Swords shows those around you also are on a winning spree when it comes to dealing with the world. However, there is anxiety about things which can take a toll over you – sleep- less nights and any direction you turn is not giving you any relief. But this is temporary as good times are around you with good company.


    It looks like you have everything within you to make magic. The Magician card shows that you have all the skills to make a difference to those around you.But the Eight of Cups will make you feel like running away from all the attention into the night without anyone knowing. This is because you feel low and nothing is worth going through this process called life. You feel claustrophobic and tied up.


    Plans for the future and working on things that will fructify in a few months’ time is what keeps you occupied right now. The Three of Pentacles shows that there could be renovations or planning on new things. The King of Cups shows a strong position of someone who is like a mentor or that could be you too who leads others to doing things well. Work, and work related activities are indicated for you.


    There is going to be a lot of attention on you in the days ahead. The Star card shows success and limelight on you as you make yourself worthy of being emulated. This is your time in the sun, so make sure you enjoy it properly. While you like this, it will also isolate you within yourself and you could feel alone even in a crowd. The Hermit is the card that shows this part of your emotions.


    Keeping calm and controlling your emotions is what is required right now as you navigate your life. The Temperance card tells you to have dignity in your responses to those around you. The Two of Wands shows travel to distant places. This is a time when you will try and figure out what it is that you can do with your skills. You will explore ideas through these trips and come back refreshed with new creativity.


    You are on top of things when it comes to people, home and money. The Empress is a card that shows a lot of nurturing done by you for others. The Ace of Cups shows emotional balance and that you will be the anchor for many. It also shows that you have well managed to rise above your feelings of inadequacy. It could also be an illness that you have weathered well. There is nothing much to worry about.

    Chitra Mahesh
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