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Railway police launch Covid awareness campaign at Chennai Central

The Tamil Nadu Government Railway Police on Friday started a COVID-19 awareness campaign and functions were at Chennai Central Station and Egmore Railway Station on Friday.

Railway police launch Covid awareness campaign at Chennai Central
Screen grab from Youtube Video


The campaign was launched by Sandeep Rai Rathore , ADGP, railway police - in charge. 

The number of passengers using trains and railway stations is steadily increasing and continuous sensitize passengers about COVID-19 appropriate behavior is need of the hour, officials noted. 

Rail passengers will be sensitized and educated about continuing vigil against spread of COVID-19 via this programme. Free face masks, juice packets, sanitizers and awareness pamphlets will be distributed to the passengers and station users. 

The passengers will be advised on aspects of proper conduct during rail travel, wearing masks, maintaining social distancing. practice of frequent hand sanitization and taking vaccination on schedule, to combat spread of COVID-19. 

Sandeep Rai Rathore announced that this awareness campaign will be conducted in all 47 Government Railway Police Stations in Tamil Nadu for five days starting from Friday. 

During this campaign, about 25000 face masks, sanitizers and soft drinks will be distributed free to the rail passengers through Aranya Foundation, run by Shilpam Kapur Rathore. 

D.Kalpana Nayak, Inspector General of Police Railways, M.V.Jaya Gauri, Deputy Inspector General of Police Railways, .K Adhiveerapandiyan. Superintendent of Police Railways, Trichy, in charge Chennai, were also present at the function organised at Chennai Central railway station.

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