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Here’s a chance to express gratitude to healthcare workers

Bhoomika Trust has launched an initiative through which people can express their gratitude to the overworked doctors, nurses and medical workers who are risking their lives. With the support from the public, the trust wants to help provide snack boxes twice a day to our covid warriors for at least one month.

Here’s a chance to express gratitude to healthcare workers
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Jayendra Panchapakesan, the founder of the trust, says that a lot of citizens have felt that they should thank the healthcare workers in some way but couldn’t figure how to do it. “Through our TrueGifts initiative, we have launched a campaign to thank the medical staff of Chennai’s government hospitals. These frontline healthcare workers have tirelessly risked their lives through the pandemic, and this initiative is a way of sending them a little token of appreciation. It is also conceived as a way for the citizens of Chennai to directly thank their healthcare workers. The initiative was launched on May 12 to mark International Nurses’ Day. This campaign will run till June 12. For every contribution of Rs 50, Bhoomika Trust will send a box of refreshing snacks to a frontline healthcare worker. The boxes will reach government hospitals twice a day and will be distributed among the workers across the morning and evening shifts. This initiative aims to send 5,000 boxes a day for 30 days,” says  Jayendra Panchapakesan.

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