UK royal Meghan accuses tabloid press of causing rift with her father

Britain’s tabloid media harassed and manipulated the father of Meghan, Britain’s Duchess of Sussex, leading to a rift between them, documents filed by the British royal’s lawyers to London’s High Court on Monday said.

Update: 2020-04-20 12:11 GMT
Meghan Markle


Meghan is suing Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday tabloid, for breaching her privacy by printing a letter she sent to her father, Thomas Markle.

In the document to the High Court ahead of a hearing on Friday, Meghan’s lawyers said tabloid newspapers, particularly the Mail, had harassed and humiliated her father, contributed towards a fallout between them, and misquoted from the letter she sent him.

The legal action comes after Meghan and her husband Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson, announced they would no longer work with four of Britain’s major tabloid newspapers, saying they were guilty of false and invasive coverage.

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