NIT-Tiruchy team EcoORB grabs best movie award at Solar Decathlon India 2024

Team EcoORB, led by Dr K Thirumaran and advised by Dr A Meenatchi Sundaram, secured the prestigious"Best Movie Award" for their captivating film presentation.

Update: 2024-05-26 01:30 GMT

NIT Tiruchy

TIRUCHY: A student team from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Tiruchy emerged victorious at the recently concluded Solar Decathlon India (SDI) 2024 finals.

Team EcoORB, led by Dr K Thirumaran and advised by Dr A Meenatchi Sundaram, secured the prestigious "Best Movie Award" for their captivating film


This year's SDI edition witnessed the impressive participation of 175 teams competing across five building divisions and a product design division.

The grand finale, held at the Infosys Mysuru campus from May 16th to 19th, saw six finalists from each division showcase their innovative designs for sustainable buildings.

Team EcoORB's winning entry impressed the jury with its profound human connection. Their film, lauded for its imagination, clarity, and inspiring story, focused on their design for construction workers; housing at NIT Puducherry.

The team comprised a diverse group of students from architecture, civil engineering, and energy and environment backgrounds, demonstrating a collaborative approach to sustainable building solutions.

The team is tweaking the prototype and collaborating with industry partners based on the NIT Tiruchy Director G Aghila's guidance for use by construction workers/guardrooms on campus.


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