Art show celebrates the richness of colour, texture and form

These artists masterfully translate their ideas into compelling stories on canvas, rooted in local themes yet holding global thematic significance.

Update: 2023-07-20 01:30 GMT

From the exhibition

CHENNAI: InKo Centre, in association with Art Cube Gallery, is presenting a show, titled ‘Shades and Tints’, at their gallery. Six south Indian artists offer a captivating exploration of colour, texture, and form, all portrayed through the classic analogue format with no technical augmentation. These artists masterfully translate their ideas into compelling stories on canvas, rooted in local themes yet holding global thematic significance.

One of the featured artists, Dakshayani, hails from coastal Chennai and draws inspiration from the lives of fisherfolks in various coastal areas of Tamil Nadu. Her artworks are a testament to the daily struggles and joys of these hardworking individuals. “But this time, I have captured the colours of light, reminiscent of my love for trekking mountains and exploring the natural wonders of faraway places,” says Dakshayani.

Mixed media art by NS Manohar

 Afshana Sharmeen’s series, ‘Boats’, takes viewers on a tranquil voyage through graceful boats navigating serene landscapes. Each stroke of her brush symbolises the essence of life’s journey, depicting boats as vessels that navigate the tides of time and experience. Another participating artist Vinitha Anand’s series, ‘Symphony of Silence’, is a reflection of her belief that art is a journey towards silence, and music serves as her inspiration. “In this series, I have captured the symphony of nature and life, inviting viewers to find harmony within themselves. I have used pen, pencils, and watercolour pencils for these works that showcase the freedom and tranquillity that come with embracing silence.”

Priya Ilango’s art is influenced by her memories of small-town visits during her formative years. She vividly portrays the colours, the summers, the houses, and the conversations that were a regular part of her experiences. Her paintings provide a glimpse into the lives of women engrossed in conversations, oblivious to the world around them, as time stands still.

Conversations by Priya Elango

 Selva Senthilkumar’s abstract painting series, titled ‘Forms’, explores the interplay between defined shapes and their individual presence within a larger interconnected framework. “Using acrylic on canvas, I have created a dynamic world that encourages viewers to ponder the complexities of co-existence,” he explains in simple words.

The exhibition at InKo Centre is not just an art display, but also a charity art show supporting the cause of Polio through the Rotary International End Polio program. Each artist participating in the exhibition has a service angle, using their art to contribute to this noble cause.


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