Where's the Rs 20-lakh-crore package: MPYC to PM

Attempting to corner the Centre on the eve of Independence Day on Saturday, the Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress on Friday sought to know from Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has actually benefited from the Rs 20-lakh-crore assistance package announced four months ago.

Update: 2020-08-14 20:00 GMT
Narendra Modi


Leading a MPYC agitation, the party President Satyajeet Tambe said the PM insists that a Rs 20 lakh-crore economic package was given to farmers, entrepreneurs and jobless, but he claimed that MPYC has yet to find "a single individual" who has benefitted from it.

"My only question to the PM is - Modiji, who exactly got the Rs 20 lakh-crore?" Tambe demanded.

He said that fact-finding teams of the MPYC workers and activists have been trying to find out the intended stakeholders of the "astronomical figure", not a single one has been found who has so far received the promised aid.

The teams found that no farmers, unemployed persons, traders, shopkeepers or factories and MSMEs who joined the survey have recorded their testimonies and express the same disillusionment across critical sectors of the economy.

"Because of the stark variance between the Prime Minister's professions and the zero beneficiary reality on the ground, we at MPYC continue to apply to the Central Government for a breakdown of the COVID-19 assistance to Maharashtra," said Tambe.

He said the "BJP's silence and thuggery is symptomatic of the elite capture and the cronyism that is Modi's Operandi" even as the economy is on the ventilator, threatening to flatten as unemployment takes a serious turn.

Tambe also asked BJP's three Members of Parliament from Mumbai to account for the actual money received by socio-economically marginalised people in Maharashtra from the Centre's Rs. 20 Lakh Crore COVID-19 Economic Assistance Package, even as the Opposition termed the MPYC agitation as "a total failure".

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