Coronavirus death toll rises to four, 173 cases reported across country

India reported the death of a COVID-19 patient from Punjab on Thursday taking the toll in the country to four, the Union health ministry said.

Update: 2020-03-19 12:20 GMT

New Delhi

The cases include 25 foreign nationals -- 17 from Italy, three from the Philippines, two from the UK, one each from Canada, Indonesia and Singapore. The figure also includes four deaths reported from Punjab, Delhi, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

"The total number of active COVID-19 cases across India stands at 149 so far," the ministry said. According to it, 20 others have been cured/discharged/migrated while four have died.

Delhi has, so far, reported 12 positive cases which includes one foreigner, while Uttar Pradesh has recorded 19 cases, including one foreigner. Maharashtra has 47 cases, including three foreigners, while Kerala has recorded 27 cases which include two foreign nationals.

Karnataka has 14 coronavirus patients. The number of cases in Ladakh rose to eight and Jammu and Kashmir four. Telangana has reported six cases which include two foreigners.

Rajasthan has also reported seven cases including that of two foreigners. Tamil Nadu and Punjab have two cases so far. Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Puducherry and Chandigarh have reported one case each. In Haryana, there are 17 cases, which include 14 foreigners.

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