Tarot: On the cards

This week are given some simple but effective chants that you can use. Do not under- estimate its power as you will see the results if done consistently.

Update: 2023-12-10 02:32 GMT


You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty. The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing. The Ace of Swords marks a wave of new energy from the intellec- tual realms. You may be on the verge of a new way of thinking that allows you to view the world with clear eyes. You are open to embracing new ideas. This is the excellent time to start a new project.


The Two of Pentacles shows that you are doing an excellent job in balancing priorities, roles and responsibilities. Yet, you need to manage your time, energy and resources carefully. The Two of Cups indicates love, creating deep connections and partnerships, based on shared values, compassion and unconditional love. They have the potential to develop into something deeply fulfilling and rewarding. There is also stardom ahead for you.


The Queen of Cups embod- ies nurturing energy. You support others by being compassion- ate, and caring for them deeply. You hold the space for people to express their emotions and be the truest versions of themselves. You are also intuitive and creative. The Knight of Swords is a man (or woman) on a mission – once he has his mind set on something, nothing can stop him or her. There is so much clarity in the way you think.


The Moon is unlikely to allow you to rest and take things easy as it will keep you in a state of anxiety and worry. This card is subject to the vagaries of nature that is unpredictable and will translate into mood swings. Participate in calming activities to benefit greatly. The Page of Swords shows grit, clarity and a drive to get things done with the power of the mind.


Overthinking and analysing is causing a lot of frustra- tions and sleepless nights, all of which can be addressed provided you allow things to flow. The Two of Swords shows a vacillating mind. The Four of Swords indicates that even if you feel impatient, things will happen on their own time and pace. The results you are wanting to see will come about in about four months’ time. Till then, relax.


Success will find itself coming towards you along with good monetary benefits. The Ace of Pentacles shows that new areas of creativity and appreciation. You will have to be smart enough to see the opportunities and grasp them. The Three of Swords indicates that you need to approach everything with your head and not heart. The presence of a strong male in your life cannot be underestimated or undervalued.


You have enough money power to do things that you desire. The Seven of Pentacles shows that you already have a neat pile kept aside and that should be able to give you the push you need. The Eight of Swords indicates that you tend to tie yourself up over small things. If you let go and know that all things will work out ultimately, then you will be a lighter and happier person. And, it is true that everything will work out.


The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, friendship and creative collaborations. Friends and family are here to support you and lift you up to even higher levels of success. This card indicates a very sociable period. The Three of Wands shows you are considering more opportunities to expand your current strategy and maximise your ultimate potential. This card shows chances available to you to broaden your horizons. It can also involve overseas travel.


The Queen of Swords combines mental clarity and intellectual power. You lead from the head and not heart. You are also a truth-seeker and open to opinions. The Knight of Pentacles shows work and effort. You are working methodically towards your goals. This card also asks you to continue doing what you are doing, plodding along and making gradual progress. And you will never leave a job half done.


The Page of Cups shows new ideas or opportunities coming your way out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing. Spend time exploring the idea. Be open to anything – it is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and about yourself. The Five of Wands indicates that everybody has a different opinion, conflict and misunderstandings will run rampant. You, however, can see it as an opportunity to rise above the chaos.


The Queen of Pentacles is the nurturing aspect of the world. And if this is you, then you are also someone who does a full time job and could be primary bread winner. You are embodying the ultimate working parent archetype. The Emperor suggests you are adopting this fatherly role (regardless of whether you are male or female), protecting and defending your loved ones. The Emperor represents a powerful leader who demands respect and authority.


The Knight of Wands shows you are charged with energy, passion, motivation and enthusiasm. And you channel that energy through inspired actions. You are committed to your vision and purpose. The Seven of Cups is a card of opportunities and at times, illusion. You have many options, but you are prone to illusion and unrealistic ideals. Dig deep to discover what’s involved with each choice. This card can be a sign of wishful thinking too.


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