Tarot: On the cards

This week, our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week.

Update: 2023-07-16 00:30 GMT


Even as you are being given importance as the Six of Cups indicates, you have to remember it is not permanent. People and situations change depending on circumstances. Keep your expectations limited. The Seven of Cups shows that everything is transitory, and respond to situations and people as it happens now. It would be good to develop a charitable state of mind, and help those who approach you silently.


You are likely to be in two minds about ideas or decisions. The Two of Swords has to do with the mind, and you will be mulling over it. Finally, the decision will depend on how your mood swings. The Page of Swords shows your preoccupation with a youngster. You should know that they will do well. There is a possibility of a new venture starting around mid-year in 2024, which is to do with a youngster.


All is well in your world. There will be small things, but nothing big that will make you feel horrible. The World card shows that most things are pretty much in place. The Four of Pentacles shows you are playing your cards very close to the chest. You are reluctant to share your plans. It also has to do with money. But right now, anything you set your mind on, will be yours.


The aggression of a younger person is making you feel isolated. The Six of Wands shows an ambitious person who is riding ahead with ideas. While this is a good thing, it is making you feel out of place as the Five of Cups indicate. You are unable to see the good side of it, and are hiding yourself. This person is here to stay for a while, so you need to figure out a way.


Some big changes are to come in the days ahead. It could be relocation or travel. It could be for a short while, but not before it unsettles you. The Tower card and the Three of Wands shows the combination of ambitions, work and travel. You are looking ahead on all three, even if you are not really conscious of it. At this time, take decisions with your head and not heart.


Right now is a learning phase in your life. This could be life itself teaching you many things. The High Priestess tells you to pursue education and not dwell on the problems of others. The Knight of Swords shows some kind of struggle a youngster is going through. It could be you if young, or some- one you are connected to. There are big changes ahead. These will be troubling initially, till you realise to move ahead.


It is a target filled week ahead. The Knight of Wands and the Ten of Wands are about work and heat related aspects of your body. Ensure you drink enough water to cool down, for the body to adapt to the work overload, and for you to have cooler responses to situations. It is unavoidable as on the good side, you have enough work, on the other, it will be exhausting. So prioritise the things you need.


This is a time when things regarding work is coming together. The Ace of Cups shows appreciation, which had been eluding you all this time. You will see your worth as determined by the world around you, vindicating all that you have been doing till now. The Nine of Wands shows that you are engaged in multiple things, which you are equally good at. But you will need to pick one to pursue with dedication.


You are being recognised for your drive and ambitions. The Ace of Wands shows that you lack nothing to make it big, and the universe also supports your efforts. This is being complemented by the Three of Cups, which shows celebrations and fun times. There is however a double-edged sword caused by a third person, which can be disturbing. You are geared to working hard and get the results, which will fetch you abundant financial rewards.


Right now, you need great strength to cope with all that is going around. The Strength card comes to tell you to keep emotions under control. You could be misunderstood for the slightest of things. The Queen of Cups also shows the same thing as you could be overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions. There is no way other than keeping calm. There is a possibility of starting something new, through the energies of young people.


The Lovers card indicates love and companionship with your significant other. You are putting everything into what could be a marriage or a relationship, as indicated by Nine of Pentacles. Financially, things are going good now. You are also good at nurturing people around you and that makes it all more lovable and people friendly.


What you need now is composure and Temperance (the card too). There are chances for a lot of turbulence in the next few days. Learn to see the good side of chaotic situation or people. The Two of Cups shows a good relationship with your partner or spouse. It is also time for you to introspect and be grateful for all the good in your life. Working more on the relationship will be a good thing.


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