Tarot: On the cards

Here are some sacred codes to get work. You can chant them, write and repeat them till you get results.

Update: 2023-06-24 22:47 GMT


Think with great clarity about the things/decisions you make in the days ahead. The Three of Swords shows that this is required to ensure you go on the right path. If there are things you are feeling not so great about, this is a passing phase. Things will be better soon. The Knight of Wands indicates that you are working towards goals in an energetic manner. The drive and passion are compensating for a bruised heart.


The Hermit indicates that the predominant feeling could be that of solitude and withdrawal from the world at large. He does things on his own, and forges a path not distracted by anyone else. Remember, such people are always divinely guided. The Death card shows big changes and they are all for growth. It can be unsettling at first. Also try to think of all the good things, instead of feeling the lack of anything.


You handle things on a set of values and thoughts that you strongly believe. All your ideas about life are mostly carved on stone, so there is little chance for changes. The Five of Swords shows that you will impose your opinions on others, regardless of what they feel. The Page of Swords indicates youngsters, who also have their own ideas and ways of doing things, should be ready to adapt to big changes.


New beginnings and new arrivals, shows that this is a good time for gathering and celebrations. The Sun card indicates applause and attention. However, the Seven of Cups makes you feel drained when it comes to emotional issues- could be with friends, family or partners. Also, it is imperative not to have unrealistic expectations on people and situations. Abundance is on the way, but it can take a while to manifest because of the negative feelings inside.


The King of Pentacles shows money and abundance which is not only materialistic, but you will be on top. Thanks to the presence of a strong male, who is right behind you in all ventures. The Devil indicates that you choose to either be in a bind or bond over an important relationship (mostly that of a partner), and it is in your hand to build that up in the desired way.


You are having the best life possible right now- the Fool card shows travel, being carefree and also adventure. Many things to explored and enjoy. However, with some degree of caution or you could slip. The World card indicates that life is good now, with everything that you want happening. Money-wise and also in terms of being a support, this is one of best times you are undergoing.


You can feel good about having money saved up in your accounts that you have always wanted. The Seven of Pentacles shows that you are resting easy with money. However, the Seven of Swords shows that you tend to run away with your thoughts, which mostly are pessimistic. Avoid such thinking because you are protected by forces you don’t see. By August or September, you will be seeing this in action.


The Ten of Swords can make you feel like you are pinned to the ground despite all your creativity. It gives you the feeling of being pulled down by forces that you think are negative. But these thoughts are in our head. The Hierophant is the Guide, Guru and the Divine that protects and guides you and that is what you need to heed. Emotionally it will be next year when you will feel properly fulfilled.


All spotlights on you is something you will experience at this time. It will show you the great achiever you are meant to be. It will also bring forth your goodness, making others around you understand the value you bring. The Judgement card tells you to introspect and see where you are heading. Every action or word will have consequences, so weigh carefully. Any plan you have in your head now should work out in a while.


The Nine of Cups has come up showing that you are in a happy space. You are likely to feel satisfied with everything in your life. The Emperor card shows that you are on top of things – quite the leader. The Emperor is also someone who lends great support to those who need it. There is only one area that needs attention- the partnerships both personal and professional.


It is clear that the presence of a strong male energy in your life is what drives your activities. The King of Swords shows a person who is clear headed. The King of Wands also shows ambitions, which could be the fuel you work on. It is either that, or you are the one who is a combination of both these characteristics. You have divine guidance. Do everything with that in mind.


If you thought you have to do things on your own, you must know that you are being supported from unexpected sources. This could also be a partner, who you thought did not do much. Right now, you are going along with the flow, as you don’t want to fear too many changes. Three of Cups shows it is a good time to enjoy life. You take pleasure in the achievements of the younger lot.


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