Reporter's Diary: Litigants’ parking woes in HC premises continue

People who regularly visit the court campus could easily witness at least half a dozen heated arguments due to parking complications. In fact, these arguments would end up with police intervention to solve the issue.

Update: 2022-06-02 03:42 GMT
Madras High Court

CHENNAI: Law officers, litigants, public servants, and the common man – all entering the Madras High Court premises through the designated Aavin gate, MBA gate, and Esplanade police station gate, would take a breather as a mark of crossing the most congested NSB road.

However, the gloom is not over since people who come on two-wheelers or four-wheelers have to work hard to render justice to their vehicles, thanks to the parking mess and space crunch inside the HC premises.

Even though the High Court is one of the heritage-rich chartered courts in the country, it takes almost 10-20 minutes for those with vehicles to find space for parking during working hours.

People who regularly visit the court campus could easily witness at least half a dozen heated arguments due to parking complications. In fact, these arguments would end up with police intervention to solve the issue.

The irony is that cops also face parking problems inside the campus. To avoid creating a scene, some people, including officers from outside Chennai, would leave their cars opposite the Bar Council building or in the paid parking lot of the High Court metro station.

It would be deeply unsettling if those who visit the court for a solution would land in another dispute, for something as insipid as a parking issue

— Manikandan M, Chennai

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