India aims over Rs 100 Billion Blue Economy through Deep Ocean Mission: Jitendra Singh

India aims for an over Rs 100 billion Blue Economy through its Deep Ocean Mission and marine resources, Earth Sciences Minister Jitendra Singh said on Monday.

Update: 2021-07-12 17:52 GMT
Union Minister Jitendra Singh (File Photo)

New Delhi

Addressing scientists in the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) here, he reiterated the importance of exploring the ocean to give further fillip to the growth of country's economy. Singh took charge of the ministry last week. The Deep Ocean Mission (DOM) could be a new avenue to supplement the country's economy to the tune of an estimated Rs 110 billion, he said. The mission planned by the earth sciences ministry will be carried out in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and it will be a major step in the direction of integrating and bringing together efforts of different streams of science operating under different ministries, he said. 

The Deep Ocean Mission received the Union Cabinet's nod last month. ''In the years to come, India aims to target over Rs 100 billion Blue Economy through its Deep Ocean Mission and ocean resources,'' Singh said. 

In addition, he said, DOM will have far-reaching benefits for the common man. For example, it could help in providing clean drinking water and explore the avenues of desalination of water as well as extracting minerals from the ocean belt, the minister said. 

He directed officials of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) to use social media platforms more effectively so that accurate information can be disseminated quickly. Achievements of the ministry, especially those benefiting the common man, need to be highlighted through the media, Singh said. He urged officials to cut down on wasteful expenditure and explore the feasibility of merging autonomous bodies under the ministry. 

Director generals of the MoES' institutes, senior scientists and officials of the administrative wings of the ministry attended the review meeting. 

The MoES has 10 institutes, including five autonomous bodies, under its ambit. It carries out its research and development and operational activities under five major umbrella schemes.

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