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    Twitter shouts out 'East or West... Idlies are the best'

    A tweet that deemed Indian delicacy Idli as the 'most boring food' has sparked a debate in social media.

    Twitter shouts out East or West... Idlies are the best
    Source: Twitter


    One tweet turned on a massive debate among Indians on whether idlis were boring. Some even started suggesting the best combination to have with Idli to make it taste heavenly. Thanks to one UK Professor Edward Anderson, who commented for a post of an Indian food delivery partner. Not even in his wildest dreams, would have Edward imagined that his tweet will be a spark for a massive debate.

    Edward had commented to a question by a food delivery partner on "what is that one dish that you could never understand why people love it".  Subsequently, Edward had replied, “Idli are the most boring things in the world".

    While idli lovers were quick to slam Anderson for his opinion, few agreed with him and said a lot depended on what was served with the idlis.

    As a twist to the idli tale, former Minister and Congress MP Sashi Tharoor too joined the debate to slam on Anderson's opinion.

    Tharoor infact went on to say the combinations to make Idli taste heavenly. His tweet read ,"Try it with a plate of steaming idlis, accompanied by coconut chutney with a garnish of mustard seeds, a red-chilli-and-onion samandi & some molagapodi w/melted ghee. If the idli batter has been fermented right, it’s the closest thing to heaven on this earth! Class will be better".

    Edward Anderson was also quick enough to settle down the hot debate that's surrounding his tweet. In his recent update, he apologised for his comment and tweeted, "Having accidentally enraged the entirety of South India (and its omnipresent diaspora) on twitter, it was only right to order idlis for lunch. I'm very sorry to report that my unpopular - or "blasphemous", as some have said - opinion remains unchanged. #sorrynotsorry".

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